Welcome to the English version of Textbureau Kiessling

Services from trans­lation, text editing & proofreading to language consulting.

All from one source.

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Textbureau Kiessling is specialized in trans­lating (English to German and back), text editing and proofreading as well as language consulting on a high level. From texts of the fine arts to papers in medical fields: Textbureau adapts to the special taxonomy, writing style and specific prescrip­tions for a perfected output.

Textbureau concen­trates on contents from the fields of culture and art, academic writing and profes­sional topics. With the background of the human­ities, mastering unknown vocab­ulary and writing standards can be easily carried out.

Through year-long practice I can offer trans­la­tions into German paying attention to the original draft and taking into account the potential reader to form a concise, readable and acurate transfer of the text sense. Likewise, I can offer trans­la­tions of complex documents, brochures and papers to English relying on longstanding practice in this area.

One strength of Textbureau is the detailed and careful approach to any kind of writing. Services from proofreading to an in-depth fine-tuning and reworking of documents are done with care and focus. In the end customers will have a clean text ready to be printed and to be published.