About Me


Voyaging and working between language cultures 

Find here my subjects of work and some biographical data you might be inter­ested in. A more detailed résumé (in German) can be reached here.

Profile and focal subjects of work

  • Academic and specialised texts from economic to literary topics
  • Cultural texts and texts of the arts
  • Researching technical terms
  • German language expertise


2016 until 2018: German language teaching in a refugee facility in Essen

Until 2013: Study of Commu­nic­ation Science and Anglo­phone Studies at University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany

October 2013: Successful completion of masters degree (Magister Artium)

Master’s theses about nonverbal commu­nic­ation and perception in linguistic and psycho­lo­gical discourse

Since 2014: Doctoral studies at University of Duisburg-Essen

Provi­sional topic of disser­tation: The early appearance of the arts and their role in commu­nic­ation and cultural devel­opment of man.

Professional experience

Trans­la­tions into German for the Help Desk Section of consulting and technology company Capgemini Duesseldorf, Germany

Since 2014: Freelance work with specialised texts and trans­la­tions of all kinds