About Me
Voyaging and working between language cultures
Find here my subjects of work and some biographical data you might be interested in. A more detailed résumé (in German) can be reached here.
Profile and focal subjects of work
- Academic and specialised texts from economic to literary topics
- Cultural texts and texts of the arts
- Researching technical terms
- German language expertise
2016 until 2018: German language teaching in a refugee facility in Essen
Until 2013: Study of Communication Science and Anglophone Studies at University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
October 2013: Successful completion of masters degree (Magister Artium)
Master’s theses about nonverbal communication and perception in linguistic and psychological discourse
Since 2014: Doctoral studies at University of Duisburg-Essen
Provisional topic of dissertation: The early appearance of the arts and their role in communication and cultural development of man.
Professional experience
Translations into German for the Help Desk Section of consulting and technology company Capgemini Duesseldorf, Germany
Since 2014: Freelance work with specialised texts and translations of all kinds