Site Notice


Our Inform­ation * according to sec. 5 German Telemedia Act (TMG)

Wolf Kiessling
Textbureau Kiessling
Isenbergstrasse 41
45130 Essen


Phone: +49 201 59 80 38 4
E‑Mail: info @ textbureau‑

Responsible for contents
* according to sec. 18 (2) German State Media Treaty (MStV)

Wolf Kiessling
Textbureau Kiessling
Isenbergstrasse 41
45130 Essen



Die Sprache [langue] oder das semiolo­gische System – welches auch immer – ist nicht das Schiff in der Werft, sondern das Schiff auf hoher See. Von dem Moment an, in dem es zu Wasser gelassen wurde, wäre es sinnlos zu glauben, man könne seine Route vorhersagen, unter Verweis darauf, daß man genau die Planken kennt, aus denen es sich zusam­mensetzt, seine innere Konstruktion nach einem Plan.“

De Saussure, Ferdinand (2003): Wissenschaft der Sprache. Neue Texte aus dem Nachlaß. Ed. by Ludwig Jäger. Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp, p. 173.


Design, Layout and Arrangement

Benjamin Linke, Mediadesign Linke



Dispute resol­ution

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resol­ution (OS): Please find our email in the Site Notice. We do not take part in online dispute resol­u­tions at consumer arbit­ration boards.

Liability for Contents

As service providers, we are liable for own contents of these websites according to Sec. 7, paragraph 1 German Telemedia Act (TMG). However, according to Sec. 8 to 10 German Telemedia Act (TMG), service providers are not obligated to perman­ently monitor submitted or stored inform­ation or to search for evidences that indicate illegal activ­ities. Legal oblig­a­tions to removing inform­ation or to blocking the use of inform­ation remain unchal­lenged. In this case, liability is only possible at the time of knowledge about a specific violation of law. Illegal contents will be removed immedi­ately at the time we get knowledge of them.

Liability for Links

Our offer includes links to external third party websites. We have no influence on the contents of those websites, therefore we cannot guarantee for those contents. Providers or admin­is­trators of linked websites are always responsible for their own contents. The linked websites had been checked for possible viola­tions of law at the time of the estab­lishment of the link. Illegal contents were not detected at the time of the linking. A permanent monit­oring of the contents of linked websites cannot be imposed without reasonable indic­a­tions that there has been a violation of law. Illegal links will be removed immedi­ately at the time we get knowledge of them.


Contents and compil­a­tions published on these websites by the providers are subject to German copyright laws. Repro­duction, editing, distri­bution as well as the use of any kind outside the scope of the copyright law require a written permission of the author or originator. Downloads and copies of these websites are permitted for private use only. The commercial use of our contents without permission of the originator is prohibited. Copyright laws of third parties are respected as long as the contents on these websites do not originate from the provider. Contri­bu­tions of third parties on this site are indicated as such. However, if you notice any viola­tions of copyright law, please inform us. Such contents will be removed immediately.